Sunday, March 11, 2007

Well Possums, I'm Here in All My Glory!!!

Dear Possums,

There has been a serious dearth of how to truly be a Diva, of course darlings, it all depends on what type of Diva you want to be.

My dear, dear friend "Mean Kitty" was working on a post about learning the Diva life but she just hasn't the time to post it, so Possums, she is giving to me, sweet Moi, her disc's and I said I would modify, edit and post it Here on my Brand New web site.

Now of course all of you want to know why do I call you "Possums", well I have to confess I "borrowed" it from Dame Edna---Now There's a Diva (even if she is in drag) but she does show you how to LIVE and do it with fun!

Have you even seen a possum? Well dears, the poor creature does wear fur, but freezes when confronted by anything. It comes out mostly at night, and looks like it's always squinting. The poor thing looks like it doesn't want to be apart of anything, almost afraid of its own shadow. Whereas Diva's are like the Sun out there, burning bright and shining and all that good stuff.

So if you have come to this web site it's because you are tired of being a possum and want to know how to Shine!! So remember my dears if I call you possum I'm doing it with LOVE because I know you are working on improving yourself and I'm using it as a term of enderment.

Oh and you will learn all kinds of phrases I'm sure you haven't heard of in ages.

Now my sweet friend "Mean Kitty" is going to give me her inital posting and I will re-post it here. It may take a bit. But if you want to learn to be divafabulous like me you then you will cultivate a very important trait----it's called paticence. Sooooo very important.

So watch for the next posting---it will be the introduction and what is a Diva.

More later, my dears.