Monday, January 21, 2008

Update on my Travels Darlings~~~~

Hello all you Fabulous Divas,

I'm doing my posting from one of those delightful cafe's that have internet access.

Well Michelle and I have been having the most marvelous time, and thank goodness we are using today as a chance to catch our collective breaths.

We took the Capitor Corridor train on its mid-morning run to Sacramento, and then from the station we took a taxi to the Delta King, our floating hotel on the Sacremento River next to "Old Town Sacramento". Poor cab driver, we had so much luggage that it couldn't fit into his trunk so we had to put some in the back seat, so I sat in the back and Michelle sat in the front. We tipped him handsomely for his hard work.

Remember that dear Diva's if anyone give you extra service or they take that extra step to help you out, be sure to tip them for their work, it's always appreciated.

It only took two hours by train to get to Sacramento, which is a marvel because if one drives it takes the same amount of time, so why stress one's self and it can be so relaxing.

The Delta King is just a beautiful thing, I almost felt like Rhett Butler was going to be walking the boards of it. Our rooms are comfortable and most importantly Warm.

Since it's on the river and since it is Winter time, it will be Cold, and since we were also going to Reno we packed for cold weather, which is a good thing, gloves, wool scarves are a must.

My dear Friend Mean Kitty has always said to me "If you're going to the North Pole, don't pack a bikini". And she is right Darlings, one of the first steps in traveling is packing, always check what the weather conditions are like where you are going and with the internet you can always get last minute weather conditions.

Well we arrived just a bit after lunch time, so we decided to get settled in our rooms first and then see about a late lunch and do a little sight-seeing in Old Town Sacramento. We lunched in Old Town, and I have to say I am so glad they were able to preserve it. It felt like we had stepped back in time or that we were some how between time periods. We didn't have much in the way of crowds because many people were not there yet to take advantage of the Holiday Weekend, and I do belive that the cold may have kept some people away. But it was enjoyable.

And at night it just lit up and took on a hazy feeling, like a dream in a way.

The Delta King even had that quality as a hazy fog from the River drifted up and surrounded it; it felt like old ghosts were paying a visit to the old dear.

Well we returned to the King after we had lunch and walked around the town a bit, so we rested and finished getting settled. Later we had drinks and a light dinner, and it was very good, there were some dishes that I felt could have been better but I was not disapointed. We finished off with de-caffe coffee and later an after dinner drink.

I thought that with being on a large ferry that when I slept I would feel some movement from being on the water but I slept like a baby. On Friday morning we had brunch, and took in the Sacramento Railroad museum. Michelle had never seen it and we felt in a way like school girls, just looking at the old history and in some ways all the idea of travel by rail. Michelle said that in taking the Coast Starlight up to San Francisco she really had an appreciation of travel by rail that in many ways it was a great improvement over air flight. That is was a shame that people had gotten way from traveling by rail.

I told her that half the fun of travel is getting there, it's not so much the destination but traveling to it.

Watching our time, we had an early dinner and then took a chauffered vehicle to the ARCO Arena. Yes darlings I said "chauffered vehicle" now remember when you were going to your Senior Promp and a group of you would make arrangements to have a chauffered limo take you around, well as Diva's you can also make arrangements to get you to events. We did not ask for a Limo but we did ask for a nice sedan. Imaging my surprise when a Bentley showed up to take us there and bring us back to our hotel. Michelle made the arrangements and I do not know what service she used but we made sure that if there was any parking fees for the Bentley that they were covered.

And the "Blue Man Group", Darlings I cannot begin to describe this experience short of saying it was fantastic, it was music and performance art at the same time. If any of you have a chance to see them or if they ever show any of their earlier performances on Cable or DVD do see it, sadly it is not the same as seeing a live performance that "sucks you in to it" and grabs your senses, but do see them at least once.

We were just so overwhelmed by it that after the driver dropped us back at "The King" we decided to have a drink to just analize what we had seen. Michelle said that if they had been around when she was managing in the entertainment industry she would have leaped at having them as part of her "stars". She said that it was so much lack of talent and so much posturing that is what made her leave the entertainment industry and start doing real estate and later investments, she like Moi had the sense of when was the right time to get out of something before the bottom fell out.

Saturday we both slept in and then had a very light breakfast, Michelle wanted to take in one of the historical tours and we felt that afterwards we could relax a bit before we took in the Mystery Dinner theatre on the Delta King. Fortunately I have excellent walking shoes and the tour we had around "Old Town" was so informative and entertaining. I was wishing that we had some time to take in Sutter's Fort and a tour of the Capital as well as the Crocker Art Museum but I'll have to save that for another time.

Afterwards we stopped at a Lounge for a drink and a nosh, and that's when Michelle and I had a chance to do a bit of catch up.

I asked her what she had been doing of late since it had been nearly 5 years since I'd seen her although we had kept in touch with cards, letters and e-mails.

She told me that after I gave her the warning to sell out of the investments based on my "gut feelings" (and just in time too) she put some of her money into hotels that were in the process of being renovated and upgraded.

She still was representing talent but it was getting more and more exhausting for her. She said "I was representing 20 somethings that had not paid their life dues and wanted everything on a platter and just try and keep the drugs away from them, selfish, spoiled and without control the minute they had cash and this was long before the Paris Hilton
and Brittany Spears fiasco. I did have a few really talented people and I knew I had to get rid of those that were trouble but part of the problem is that those trouble makers were also my biggest money makers.

The decision came after I fainted in my office and was rushed to the hospital. It was what the doctors told me that made me make the final decision to get out of the business. I wasn't going to die for spoiled babies. But what to do with those that really counted?

I had to be brutal and yet find a way that would preserve my reputation in the business. I decided to let the "spoiled brats" know that I couldn't represent them any more and why and gave them the names of others that I said would take them up in a heartbeat. I didn't even recommend anyone to them.

But those that I knew worked hard and were paying their dues, those I gently guided them to those that I knew could give them the right venues, give good advice and treat them fairly, they are doing well. The "spoiled brats" ? Well some of them faded away on their own drug induced dreams, and some are still out there but not as well.

My hotel investments paid well and steady, and then when I felt better I did real estate on the side until I had that feeling that things might go down the "tubes" and got out at the right time. My investments are paying me well and I'm contacted by charity event coordinators about talent recommendations and seeing who would be available for fund raising events, so I act as a laison making the initial connections and then guide them through the rest of the process. It's not too tiring and leaves me with plenty of free time to see what other talent is out there and connect with them for future charity venues, keeps my hand in and saves me from heart attacks."

From there we talked about changes in L.A. and S.F., families, politicial issues, and the future.

Then Michelle stopped talking and was listening to the piano player who was singing in the Lounge, after the player stopped and took a break Michelle went up to her and exchanged cards with the singer, and then joined me "She is good, local preferrs, to stay around here, but I've got some people and such that might be interested in her for a few events around here. Smart too she's got a good manager, I've heard of him. I'll give him a call after I get back to L.A."

I could only smile, no matter what, my friend was still working and she just grinned at me when I smiled, it was like a silent secret message. Even I have to confess, I was looking around for things that might become a sign post towards good investments.

We returned to the King and freshened up and went to the Mystery Diner Theatre they have on board, Michelle and I had a lot of fun, I'm not going to even explain it to you, but I have to say you never know if you are going to be seated next to the victim or the killer. The food was good if not spectacular but I feel that one is in there more for the Mystery, but having good food helps.

Michelle said one drink after and then to bed, Sunday is going to be a busy day----And she was right!!

I have never seen professional bull riding or a rodeo and this was unbelievable! We had wonderful seats very up close and it was so dangerous, diffinetly a young persons sport. Forget Football, Soccer or Rock Concerts! Darlings THIS is something else!! It's one on one, mano e mano but between human and bull. It was in a way a sense of something almost primeval, and yet in the back ground I could sense that all though there was competition there was a form of comadre as well, not perfect because every one wants that prize money, but it's like they all know the chances.

I have seen Portugues Bull Fighting, which I preferr over Spanish Bull Fighting and I've seen the running of the bulls in San Marcos and this bull riding had all the excitment that one could ever want as in Portuguese Bull Fighting. It felt very Hemmingwayish if Hemmingway ever wrote a western, it was more competitive and the danger was more immediate. It was like grabbing a Tiger by its tail and knowning that it was trouble. And they breed these bulls for their abilities and strength, they were not going to be someone's meal after the ride.

Even Michelle was taken breathless by it all and she had seen it before. "It's Earthy" she said "but it's real and more exciting than any football game or rock concert and not snooty like a highclass horse or dog show. Not as glamourous as horse racing but more exciting."

Well Darlings I am "Hooked" as they say.

Well I must go my time is almost up and Michelle is has lunch for us planned. Once I get my business cards of all the places we've been too sorted out I'll post the places we've stayed and lunched at and what I recommend you see.

Just a quick up date for all you pet lovers----Princess is doing very well, I called Betty and Princess and Jezebelle are having a lot of fun together and Princess is eating well. A sort of Diva Darling vacation for her too.

Tomorrow Michelle and I will catch the Capitol Corridor train connection to Reno and we'll be staying at the Silver Legacy. One of the first things we are going to do is get a massage from head to toe, traveling and seeing the sights is fun but so tiring.

Until Anon Darlings, Kisses