Sunday, January 13, 2008

A Diva Health Guide~~~

Hello all you Lovely Diva’s,

I could not believe the sun shine this morning! Instead of lying in bed as I would on a gloomy morning (with Juanita coaxing me out with a fresh brewed cup of coffee) I just had to get out and enjoy it.

So I walked with Princess in tow, to the beach, and marveled at the gloriousness of it all.

I’ve come to the conclusion that I do need sunlight, although I do not sun bathe and take care to not over expose myself to the sun, but sun light is needed to help get that Vitamin D going into one’s system besides drinking it in Milk. Yes Darlings even I at my age I still drink milk, it’s good for you keeps those bones strong, good for your teeth and it can be very calming for your nerves.

I realized this morning that I needed those light bulbs that imitate sunlight, and decided that I needed it in my bedroom, next to my desk in my library/office, and also next to my favorite chair where I read. So I’ve placed that on my list of things to buy.

Now Darlings were is this all leading to….

Health Darlings, Health…

One of the most important things a Diva needs to remember (besides lots of money and a fabulous wardrobe) is Health, it’s so easy to over look that most important of personal things and it is personal.

If you are in good health you will look good no matter what. This translates to your bones, your teeth, your hair, skin, eyes, nails and the muscles and nerves in your body.

First always get an annual check up with your general physician, your dentist, your eye doctor (not to be confused with where you purchase your glasses or contacts) and your GYN, find out how often you need to have a mammogram based upon your age and your family’s’ health background.

Darlings this is more important than a mani-pedi or having your hair styled.

If you are a bit overweight get into a good health loss program that can encourage you to eat right and healthy, but not unrealistic. Don’t go all vegan or on a faddy diet. It can do you more harm than good.

Find out about your family’s medical background, some people do family genealogy but what you should do is a medical genealogy, this will tell you what your family’s medical problems can be. I know that in my family there is a tendency towards heart attacks and heart problems, some people have diabetes in their family, some cancer. Do you see the picture my dears?

With that knowledge in hand then you can approach anything your doctor finds with realism and practicality.

Another thing is exercise, I do not recommend running as that can cause all kinds of foot and shin problems, but dancing can be wonderful. If you’ve watched “Dancing with the Stars” well you know doubt have heard them rave how much weight they’ve lost. Balance this with swimming as a low impact exercise, followed by Yoga for stretching and relaxing.

Alright you say you can’t afford dance lessons? Check with your Adult Education courses or with your city’s park and recreation department and see what they offer at a more affordable rate, another thing is walking, get good walking shoes that are comfortable, supportive and reduce any impact upon your bones or the Plantar of your feet. (Look that up Darlings, I can’t explain everything to you)

Some people say “well do bicycling” which is fine except that I have seen too many people foolishly ignore the vehicle laws, Remember your Bicycle is also a vehicle and since it’s a slower vehicle it MUST move over to the far right of the road way and you must obey all vehicle laws, do not “blast through” a stop sign it could mean your death and it would be your fault. And always wear a helmet and forget those Ipods, you must always be aware of the area around you. No one else will.

Weight loss cannot happen quickly, it took you years to put the weight on, and it will take you years to get it off, but remember, each pound that you lose is a victory, so keep at it.

Eating---one of the worst things that has developed over the years is the “all you can eat Buffet” and the supersize meals.

It is much better to eat six very small meals than 2 very large ones, because you will stretch your stomach. Eat only until your hunger is satisfied, not until your are stuffed.

Talk to your Doctor about healthy nutrition programs or join Jenny Craig and have them teach you how to eat healthy.

Another thing that can help you make healthy eating choices is attenting nutrition classes at your local hospital or health club, be on the watch for such program, taking them can be an eye opener as to what is healthy and what is not.

Alcohol---it can be a very bad thing, and that is one of the problems many young Divas-in-training forget, they drink to excess and think that being buzzed as they call it is fine. It is not. It can eat out your stomach, give you a bad headache, cause you to exercise very poor judgment and also someone can slip you a “Mickey Finn” or knockout drops, which could lead to being raped.

As they say “Drink Responsibly” and as a side comment, if you drink don’t drive, if you know you are going to drink then take a taxi and have a taxi bring you home, make sure you have enough for cab fare and tips. Do Not go home with some seemly kind stranger.

One of my nieces made the mistake of driving to a party and couldn’t drive some young fellow offered to drive her home in his car. Fortunately she gave him my address and she had a copy of my house key (this was at my old house) but her parents were not home (which was true in a way) so he opened the door and in the living room attempted to attack her, I was aware that there was someone coming through the front door because my alarm in my bedroom went off, so I called the police immediately.

I heard a female voice saying “stop it!” Imagine the young man’s surprise when I turned on the lights and said “Don’t move, I have a gun pointed at you and I will use it!” I told him to stay the way he was and to let my niece up, and she let in the police, I called my lawyer, he went to trial and jail, my niece knows better. That is why I say “Drink Responsibly”.

Of course Darlings that does come under the heading of Safety, but safety is also Health.

Now to continue----

Avoid soft drinks and sweetened fruit juices as a regular drink, even those waters that have a fruit taste has sugar in it, and soft drinks destroys the enamel on your teeth, drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated, milk is good too, but water will quench one’s thirst on a hot day.

You can have a soft drink or fruit juice on occasion but more as a treat.

And remember if you drink too much water you can wash out your electrolytes, 1 liter
a day maximum is good.

Always care for your skin, young people think that getting a tan is a good thing, but it like smoking can age one’s skin very quickly.

I take walks in the morning when the weather is good before 10 a.m. or after 3 p.m. I still get my Vitamin D and healthy sun exposure, but not to the point of being unhealthy for the skin, I always cover myself on hot days with hats and long sleeves, I even use gloves especially during the winter and light cotton gloves during the summer. If one goes to a vintage shop or sale you can find gloves in a light tan color that is good all year round, if they are made of cloth you can wash them as if you were washing your hands, to remove any soil.

And when I visit friends or have friends over and we are sitting outside I always make it a point to sit in the shade, you still will get enough sun to be healthy. At the most a 15 minute exposure a day is all one needs.

Find a good skin lotion that is hypoallergenic to put on your skin and hands to help keep it soft. Do not wash your body with a harsh soap. I’ve found that Dove soap for sensitive skin is an excellent choice.

Teeth---we often don’t think of our teeth except to brush them, but also use flossing thread and a gum massager to keep the gums healthy as well and to help remove food partials.

The old maximum of brushing after every meal is important, you can carry in your cosmetic case a small tiny toothbrush and one of those small travel size or sample size tubes of toothpaste, I even have found a collapsible cup which I use to rinse out my mouth.

If you don’t want to do it at the sink in the ladies room, use the cup to fill with some water and then brush in the bathroom stall. If you are unable to do that then at least brush morning and night, or when you get up, as soon as you get home and after dinner or when you come home from a date, then before bed. The evening brushing is very important to remove food particles from the day. The use of a mouth wash is also recommended, you dentist will be able to tell you what toothpaste and mouth wash is best.

Your eyes and your hearing are very important----when you are young have your eyes checked every year for any changes in vision or any problems, if you are constantly using a computer get glasses that have a tint to reduce glare, even if you don’t need glasses for reading, they will work like sun glasses and reduce the possibility of cataracts.

And speaking of Sunglasses, every time you go outside always use Sunglasses with a high glare ratio, if you wear prescription glasses then have your sunglasses as prescriptions as well. It comes in handy when driving, walking or just doing anything outside and it will protect your eyes from cataracts. Always make it a practice to wear sunglasses and if you wish have it as part of your wardrobe, be glamorous with them.

Your hearing is also important, having a hearing test every couple of years or if you sense that you have some hearing loss have it checked immediately.

Many young people are losing their hearing because of loud music at concerts, and at clubs, and also those young men that have their car stereos cranked up to the point that the car is vibrating are also going to be suffering hearing loss, we are developing a nation of young deaf people, and losing your hearing will deprive you of listening to natures’ joyous sounds, the songs of birds, the oceans’ waves, your baby saying it’s first words.

My friend Mean Kitty knew she was going to a concert with some friends and she knew that the concert hall had a strong echo reverb problem which for rock concert goers is just fine, but for someone who wants to preserve her hearing presented a problem. She solved it by wearing hearing plugs that are used when one goes to the gun range. She was able to hear the concert just enough to enjoy it but without it paining her ears.

So if you are going to a venue where it’s going to be very loud deafening music, wear ear plugs, it will save your hearing, they don’t cost much but what it will save is priceless.

Now one last thing, Vitamins Darling, Vitamins--- a good vitamin problem will help with teeth, hair, eyes and bones. Because many people are under a great deal of stress, the B vitamin complex is the most important, but make sure that your are getting enough minerals as well.

Be careful to not over do taking vitamins, one can get poisoned by too much Vitamin A and some of the others.

Now what Vitamins to take? Well Darlings there are many out there; Trader Joe’s has a thirty day supply packed in individual daily packets, you can put them in your purse and take each pill though out the day, and that way it will be spread out and keep your system going. They have them in what looks like a coffee tin, with or without Iron, I recommend always taking Iron, to help keep up your blood count.

But there are many others out there. Find the one that suits your body and lifestyle the best, and remember dear Diva’s you can always look stylish wearing hats, gloves and sun glasses, make it your style, have it make you look glamorous and mysterious, that is the Diva style.

Try to avoid stress, which if you are working hard to get the Diva Bucks can be hard to do, but no matter what, make time to relax and meditate to relieve stress. Remember Diva Darlings, STRESS is one of the biggest killers, so take up some healthy practices to help relieve stress, Yoga is one way, meditation is another. At work use the 10, 10, 10 rule in decision making how will it affect you in 10 minutes, 10 days, 10 weeks, 10 months, 10 years.

And if possible allow 1 to 5 minutes to gather your thoughts before going into a meeting or dealing with a situation that little pause will be enough for you to be confident in dealing with anything, even a flat tire.

And lastly, always get plenty of rest and sleep, the adage of getting 8 hours sleep is important, of course some of us can get by on a little less, but no less than 6 hours, remember Darlings, all that partying can take its toll on the Diva’s beauty.

If you can don’t be afraid to take a 15 minute nap in the afternoon, I’ve found that about 3 p.m. I get a little drowsy, a 15 or 20 minute nape can be very refreshing. But remember rest is very important.

There are many other things a Diva can do for her health, ask your dentist and your doctor. Remember you have only one body and all the face lifts, body tucks in the world cannot give you good health.

Now I must get to bed, it is past this Diva’s bedtime, but I wanted to be sure to post this for all of you.

Until Anon Darlings, stay healthy, be healthy. Kisses

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