Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Ideas and plans for a New Year

Well Darlings,

Already I’m beginning to make plans for the New Year, Michelle an old school chum of mine is coming up from Los Angles next week and will be staying at the Westin St. Francis, and she wants to go and see the Blue Man group in Reno, Nevada.

Michelle use to be involved with the entertainment industry as a booking agent, she’s retired now but that still doesn’t prevent her from seeing popular acts. She just doesn’t want the headaches that go with it now a days with so many “Prima Donnas” and she’s made her bundle.

I told her that if she wants me to go with her I’d have to confirm a few things with my housekeeper, because it would mean leaving dear Princess at home, Michelle wants to fly and I would prefer to take the train it’s so much more restful. The mini-suit at Circus, Circus Reno is already booked and she’s bought the tickets for the one night performance. (They are performing at Reno)

I told her that since she was going to be visiting her family while she’s in San Francisco, it would be best for us to catch up on things on the train and we can nap too, she finally capitulated saying that she always had a secret desire to travel by train anyway, especially since I told her about all that waiting while they checked baggage at the airport.

So she is going to take the Coast Starlight up to San Francisco, book into the St. Francis, visit her family in the City, and then we’ll make arrangements to meet up and catch the California Zephyr and take it to Reno, the beauty about that is that we can take as much luggage as we want without worrying about the weight problem, that one has in flying.

Then in Reno we’ll catch a cab to Circus, Circus, although I know that from the Airport they have a shuttle. She said to not worry about the arrangements she has a wonderful travel agent---I mean dear Diva’s why worry your heads over arrangements when it’s possible to have someone make the arrangements for you, of course you have to pay a fee but it’s so much better than to worry one’s head.

So we’ll go up on a Friday and return on Monday, giving us a chance to rest a bit and take in some of the other entertainment that is being offered.

So Darlings what have I been doing today? Well it was a restful day for me; my Molly Maids will be in tomorrow to spruce up, I’ve been writing “thank you cards” to friends, and sending e-mail letters to others. Then ran some errands, the usual to the shoemaker, the dry cleaner, a few simple groceries and my little Diva Darling was with me riding along---of course I can’t take her into the grocery store. And of course laundry---this Diva is no stranger to laundry.

Irma called me and wanted to go visit Iris and asked if I’d like to come along and of course I did, my little Diva Darling right with me, Iris was a bit under the weather, Irma had the Doctor in to check her over, but it was that she was a little run down, she stayed up late welcoming in the New Year and go a bit over excited. So as soon as we were sure she was fine and that all she needed was rest, we chatted a bit until she said she felt sleepy so we left our gifts to her (she loves See’s chocolates and the latest Vanity Fair, Elle and Vogue) and went out for a cup of coffee.

Irma was complaining and I had to agree, there aren’t too many elegant places anymore where one could just drop in and relax, even the Starbucks is not that comfortable, always crowded and noisy and just a bit messy with the college crowd doing their lap top studies, so I told her we would just have to scout out places to see where we could go. Investigate and report---she loved that idea. Of course it’s best to see what such local magazines such as San Francisco recommends, and there’s also one for Oakland and other cities, then we could put it all together into a notebook to keep both in our cars and on our desks.

I told her we could put it together and have it available as gifts to our friends as well, maybe pick their brains for their favorites. She said that Kinko’s could print it up or we could have it in a 3 ring binder that way it would be easier to change pages if a place changes or goes out of business---I sighed that was happening more and more lately.

I use to remember the wonderful lady’s store called “The Grey Shoppe” its’ interior was soft grey, off white, mauve or soft pink with soft gold accents---nothing over stated, and everything was displayed just so and always quality items, you could have your skirt or dress hem adjusted to suit your height, even the cuffs of your coat or jacket, everything was fitted just so. And the old City of Paris. Personalized dress boutiques and hat shops all gone it seems like. Too much Paris Hilton and Brittany Spears I fear.

Irma suggested that perhaps we should look among our Art Deco friends and see what they recommend. I’m going to get Betty involved as well, we Diva’s need a Diva hobby and this would be perfect.

So for now, I’m home. Princess is curled up next to me as I have a cup of tea, television is such a bore and a Diva should never be bored. Hmmm I do have season 2 vol 1 of the Perry Mason T.V. series---I know darlings, but I always love to see what Della wears.

Tomorrow after Molly Maids are done I’m going out for a manicure and pedicure, I think I’ll have the Channel color Vamp put on. And Princess is due for another primping session, so it’s going to be a busy day tomorrow for the both of us.

So Annon for now Darlings, this Diva is perking her brain to come up with ideas. Kisses.

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