Thursday, February 7, 2008

Darlings Do you think that Life can be difficult?


Today I went to my local public library. Now I do belive that the library is the most wonderful place a Diva can go to find wonderful information to improve her Diva life. And it can also save you money.

As long as you return the items on time, you do not have to pay a thing. Books, Magazines, DVD's, music CD's and much more.

I love it because sometimes I want a change of pace for my music and sometimes I want to see a different film that I would not buy to add to my collection. But once in a while I do come across something that I know is just wonderful so then I will look for it.

But you have no idea how wonderful it can be-----Unless Darlings ****sigh**** one encounters a person who is ---well ----not quite right in the head.

There was a woman today---I refuse to call her a lady----from the way she was dressed, very nice and neat, you would not think there was anything wrong with her. But just as I was going towards the check out desk, she started spueing a mouthful of foul words and gutter language at one staff person.

There was no reason for it, then this woman, who was behaving like Brittany Spears on a very bad day, began to throw books all over. I ducked back to prevent myself from being harmed but I was wondering if I should use my cell phone to call the police. That was taken care of by another Staff person and the police were brought in.

Needless to say they took care of this person quickly, but I have to say that the Library staff behaved in a manner that was most impressive, no raising of the voices, just quick and efficent work and I do have to confess very steady nerves.

But as I was going home and to have a cup of tea, I began to wonder, what brought this woman to such a situation, why make one's life so difficult when life is difficult enough. There is no need to behave in such a manner.

Then I read in my "People Weekly" magazine what is happening with young Ms. Spears, and then I read that 1 in 20 children are found to be autistic, why is all of that? What makes those many years ago different from today, why are more people having such mental problems? Is it stress, diet, birth defects, something that happened pre-natally? Or are we better able to discover what the illness is? And it is more out there---in one's face so to speak.

I must confess Darlings, and this may seem prejudice, but just before Ronald Regan became state govener, the previous govener (whose name I can't recall) terminated the mental health programs---unfortunately this termination took effect when Regan became Govener of California. So people blamed him instead of looking at who the real culprit was.

But when this happened less and less people were being helped, now here it is 30 years later, and I in a public library have to be careful to not be hit by a flying book thrown by a mentally impaired person.

What is wrong with this? I have to confess Darlings, I do not have the answers, but I do belive that there are certain democrates who would have a lot to answer for.

I'm sorry Darlings, but this situation has upset Moi and my head just keeps spinning on it, when I should realize that I do not have an answer, but I think I will watch to see if anyone comes up with a solution that is feasible.

In the meantime I think I will indulge in a martini for tonight and perhaps Mmmmm Frank Sinatra.

Until Anon Darlings, Kisses.

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