Saturday, April 3, 2010

A belated Update

Hello My Diva Darlings, Hello!!

I know, it's been a long time, but I only have time for a quick update.

I've been busy paying property taxes, having my income taxes done and plumbing work, then I came down with a cold, and on top of that I had to go in for a kidney stone operation, it was so hard to sit up.

I didn't want to put a strain on Juanita but she knew of a friend who is a nurse who does private care and she came in to help me during my getting well period.

My friends have been helpful and my family as well, but both Juanita and her friend have been guarding me fiercely so I'll get well.

My ladies who lunch have been keeping tabs on me, and all I can say is this for now, if you have been reading the newspapers and the financial pages you will have an idea of how things are going. Keep reading those recommended magazines that I've listed for you and once I'm on my feet again I'll start giving you dear Diva's those recommendations.

My brother is coming by to pick me and my little diva darling, Princess up. We'll be spending the Easter Weekend at his house and I'll be back on par by the end of Next week.

Until anon, Kisses Darlings

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