Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Politics and Money

Hello Dahlings!!

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas Holiday.

Currently I am blogging from my brother's computer system. I am staying at his place with his dear wife, Lois until Friday.

Today we are going to the SPA and treat ourselves to being pampered. Lois has chosen the place and I haven't a clue where it is. I love things like that.

Another thing is I'm going to invest in a laptop computer, my brother has strongly suggested that it would be a good thing, because when I travel I can link in through a hotels' wi-fi when I want to know about investments. And frankly I have to agree with his assessment.

I had been holding off because I don't buy one day and sell the next I select stocks and funds for the long haul. But it can tell me which way "the wind is blowing".

I have been doing this since I knew how to do math when I was child and I can thank my parents for that and my brothers and late husband.

I've had several of my blog friends ask me if I have an "office". Well yes and no.

You see I use to go to my husbands and his business partners office, and he'd have a desk and phone for me to use (so much has changed since those early days)and I would invest only my own independent funds.

Upon his death, I made a deal with his business partners, that I could have a small office (with windows thank you) and continue to do my investing. But I also maintain an office at home as well, Wallace my friend, joined my husband's firm after my husband's death and we've continued this business relationship.

It works out well, because sometimes they will come to me for my opinion on things, which I can talk to them more freely than I can here on this blog (there are laws about that you know), but please be aware that when I talk to them I don't "darling" them at all. I talk to them as an equal and they know it. (please see my earlier posts).

The other day there was concerned about North Korea and Iran, especially around transportation of oil through one of the main water ways. There were private rumbles about that.

And if you have recently read the news Iran is threatening to block the strait that many oil cargo ships use, even though the strait is international waters.

Saudi Arabia to keep the peace and good relationships with us and Europe has done and end run which has lowered the cost of oil, but transporting it may raise the price.

We are concerned about all this "saber rattling", is this going to be another war?

Frankly my dears, if my husband were alive he'd say bomb Iran back to the stone age, and take out all the nuclear reactors. If I wasn't so concerned about repercussions I'd say the same thing, it can get very frustrating.

Now North Korea---we are dealing with an unknown quantity, personally don't be surprised if Kim's son eventually disappears from the scene, or he is used as a figure head.

But getting back to my "office" I am much like that gentleman who is 106 years old and goes to his office everyday, he has retired from the company but he keeps his office as a private investor, and he stays up with the technology. I just adore him. BUT I am not 106 years old.

Now I must go, Lois is ready and we are going for lunch first.

So what is this post all about Darlings? Remember you are the CEO of your life, what happens politically and economically, both local, state, nation and internationally, affects you. You cannot change things, but be prepared for them to "weather the fall out" so to speak.

That is why the media, newspapers, radio, television, Internet, magazines are so important to making careful judgements. Always be "the ant" not "the grasshopper" if you remember Aesop's fable.

Untill Anon, Kisses Darlings.

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