Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Wishes~~~

Hello My Diva Darlings,

Well I still have my heart problems, and the Doctor is planning on testing me with some sort of devise to see how my heart action is over a 48 hour period, as I understand it, it will determine if the pace maker will be needed.

Right now I'm at my brother's house in San Francisco for the Easter celebration,  the weather has been going from warm to cold, to warm and now possibly rain.   But that is the Bay Area for you.

Much of the family will be joining us tomorrow and I'll be so happy to see them, I just hope I don't get too tired.

On the investment front, Obama talks about bringing business back to the US, but frankly is he strong enough to do it, is my question.

One of my great nephews has been accepted at the college in San Jose, he wanted to go there because they have an excellent course on electronic engineering, not electrical engineering but electronic, there is a difference.

Because if you think about my Dear Diva's, everything has electronics's involved from planes, to trains, to Automobiles, elevators and the automatic coffee maker.  An acquaintance of my brother said that is an excellent field to get into as we do not have enough electronic engineers.  So it is quiet possible that my great nephew will be making a nice salary. 

And in terms of job or career opportunities that is where a very smart Diva in advance looks into what is the most needed that has the least number qualified, that can be a growth market.  And then the minute you start making a salary, start saving for retirement immediately, don't wait and say "Oh I want that fancy car"...the car will only last 10 years at the most, but retirement funds is a difference between living very well and living at poverty level.  Frankly I prefer living very well, even if it does mean I have to have a pacemaker.

But now I must go my brother is going to treat us to a little outing.

Have a very Happy Easter My Dear Diva's!

Until Anon.  Kisses.

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