Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 Ten years later~~~

Hello My Darling Divas,

It is not often that I post on something that is tragic or sad, but today I feel I must.

It has been 10 years since that terrible day, a day which changed our lives and our complacency.

We thought we were invincible, but we weren't, no country is. Globalization came home and stabbed us in the heart. It was a moment in time of sacrifice, heroism, fear, sadness, courage and love.

And it is something we should not forget, not ever.

Young people do not understand about what happened at Pearl Harbor, I was not born yet when that happened, but I remember how my parents felt.

Then all those years that I lived with only bumps on my road---the worst being the death of my husband, but I managed to "deal" with that.

But this...This...and still young people do not understand. They feel it does not affect them. My Dear Diva's it does affect them and us, in ways they cannot comprehend. It affects us personally, globally, economically, and in safety.

I remember just a few years ago, I had decided to take the bus home from S.F. something I rarely do, but BART was having delays. I remember looking out the window and saw a Coast Guard helicopter flying along side the bridge, I remembered we were on condition orange, and they were checking things on the bridge. I felt fear, their eyes and any decisions they made had my life in their hands.

And that is how we are still affected, and will always be affected.

Our lives are always in other peoples hands.

So what can you Dear Divas do?

Never forget there is always someone somewhere who seeks to do harm, so always be on alert.

If you are in a building try to spot the emergency exits, this is especially true in restaurants, theatres, nightclubs any large gathering place.

Nightclubs especially are extremely dangerous places where they have dancing and are cramming a large group of people in, if you do not see an emergency exit or if you see that the exit doors are chained locked...leave immediately demand your coverage charge returned because of unsafe conditions and leave immediately and immediately call the fire department and tell them what you have seen, you may save a lot of lives.

There were and are, a lot of nightclub fires in which people could not get out because of narrow exits, unsafe conditions, chained emergency doors and highly flammable materials.

If you are drinking never accept a drink handed to you that you did not see mixed by the bartender, there could be knock out drops in it.

Do not smoke pot, take Ecstasy, or any kind of drugs just to be part of the crowd, you could die or do serious damage to your health.

If you drink do not drive, take a taxi home and make sure ahead of time that your house key is securely in your purse, so you won't have to fumble around for it.

Never ever leave with a stranger.

Learn to shoot a gun, I own a revolver. I keep it in a secure gun safe that I can open with a push button combination. I've taken the gun safety course and practice at the range on a regular basis. I renew my gun safety card every 5 years. A revolver is the easiest to handle, clean and load.

Since I own a home I also have an alarm system if either I or Juanita are going to be gone for any length of time. I also will have a reputable House sitter stay if we are going to be gone longer than a day.

Go to courses that will teach you how to be secure both at home, and when you travel.

And most of all, never ever assume everything will be fine. If anything can go wrong it will.

That is the legacy that we have from 9/11. You only have one life this time around, make sure that you live it to the fullest, but safely.

Until Anon Darlings, Kisses.

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