Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Thoughts on Things~~~

Hello My Diva Dahlings,

I know---What!!??? A second post in the same month??!! Well I've been thinking on things and laughing about things.

My little Labor Day vacation has come to an end. And what did I do? Well there was the Scottish Games this weekend, Bill and Irma took me to them, lots of fun and different too.

I did vegetate a bit, tried to sleep in but my little Diva Darling refused to let her "Mommy" sleep in. Well it really was good and healthy for me to get up and walk anyway.

Juanita is back this afternoon, and she is fussing over things, it seems we've had to call in the plumber, as much as she has tried the sink is stopped up. Usually we'd have Manuel work on it, but he is working longer hours this week as one of his co-workers is out with an injury. The plumber is here and Juanita is handling it, I do not argue with her about these matters.

I saw on the news that Obama is having a low rating with the public and so are the Republicans, but what about the Democrats there is no talk about their ratings.

Obama is talking about putting people back to work, he's talking about construction jobs, but there are other jobs out there that need to come back to the States.

Now this is just my opinion, but if companies were penalized for outsourcing and if higher tariff taxes were placed on imports, then jobs would have to come back here, now because of unions and wages things would cost more, but if the unions would work with the government on having people working, things would level out. The fact of the matter is that when people invest and expect a high rate of return on their stock holdings, it sends prices up sky high, and we should go back on the gold standard so that a dollar truly equals a dollar.

Of course if the U.S. were to be the first to go back to the Gold and Silver Standard there would be an economic shake up, but if countries like, Switzerland, Germany, England, the U.S., Canada were to go on that standard at the same time, it would equalize.

Ahhh wishful thinking on my part, and someone would point out flaws, BUT it is TRUE no matter what, jobs MUST come back to the U.S. the outsourcing MUST STOP.

And now onto something Fashioniesta----Well this weekend I will be going through my annual closet clean out, Constance and her oldest daughter will be here to help me, and I know that since they are also my size, who is going to be expanding their closets.

But I also have to go through and weed out what is worn out as well, and then do a list of what to replace, first on my list is my bed room slippers---it seems that Princess has taken to chewing on them, so they will become her new toys.

And what Constance and her daughter Isabella do not want and are in excellent shape I will take to the consignment shop for some extra change.

And here my Diva Fashionesta's is where you can make some money and save money too. The first is to weed your closet, what doesn't look good on you take to the consignment shops to sell for you for either cash or credit, that way you can shop there without putting out much in the way of funds.

What doesn't sell or is taken by the shop then have a yard sale, then what doesn't sell at the yard sale, donate to a charity, either way it is "cash" either having it in hand or by tax write off.

Another thing, the other day by chance I was going to the local Thrift store and found a brand new purse by Guess, and another that was Kate Spade also brand new and the prices were a steal. So if you need to build up your wardrobe check the consignment shops and the better Thrift shops for bargains, but don't buy any thing if it doesn't meet your requirements or has a serious defect. I did make an exception I bought a Paloma Picasso handbag and all it needed was one strap repaired and my shoe maker did a marvelous job.

So if it's an easy fix then get it. Also check out the bargains at Marshall's and T.J. Max, but remember always go for a classic style that will last, never a flash in the pan. If in doubt always buy the September and March issues of Vogue, Vanity Fair, Elle, Allure, Harper's Bazaar, In Style and any other fashion magazine that you like, granted they weigh a ton, but rip out the styles you like and put them into a cheap binder that way you can refer to them when you go shopping.

Another thing that I do is take pictures of my purses, shoes, clothing, coats, hats, that way I know what I have and in what colors as well. It's a good way to keep inventory, also keep the receipts for 1 year in case of fire or theft.

Another thing is to go through your makeup, anything that is more than 6 months old, with the exception of perfume, should be tossed to avoid infections, especially mascara.

So spring and fall do your closet clean out, and yes you CAN wear White after Labor Day. I'll explain why that rule came about another time.

Must go, the plumber is done, time to pay the bill.

Until Anon Darlings, Kisses

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