Friday, July 19, 2013

Of things being a little out of sequence


Sometimes it doesn't pay to look over what was postings but got accidently saved as drafts, and they got published.

Please remember if you read them they are from 2008 and 2010,  not 2013.

Although my friend Michelle has asked me to go with her to Lake Tahoe in August,  a trip I am looking forward to.  So she will take the train up from L.A.  and then taking the train to Reno staying the night there and then a chauffered limo from Reno to Lake Tahoe, courtsey of a friend of hers.  

All I can say Darlings it is not only what you know but also who you know.

By the way I was asked how old is Juaunita, well she married young, and is about 57 to my 66, but even I worry about her health.   Her daughter Constance is now working part time because she wants to care for her youngest daughter but Constance and her husband Manuel have also helped me out.

But I fear for the day when Juanita may not be able to help me with the house, but she said to not worry about that, even she is a planner.

Must go my Darlings,


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