Well Darlings, this web site is to teach you what you need to learn to become a Diva, it's about education, business, jobs, beauty, relationships, etc. everything that can be covered to become the Diva that is hiding within you. Is it a Vanity Blog? Well--in a word--Yes---but a Blog that you can learn from. So read on Darlings, and learn from my past experiences, my current ones, and ones that I've found to help you. Kisses Darlings
Saturday, November 9, 2013
And update and being busy~~~
Yes, I have been away, but I've been busy. It seems that I have been hired as a sort of consultant to the elderly clients on what to do with their finanaces.
Now I am not licenced that I admit, but of late from time to time my husbands old firm gets a client who wants to make drastic changes which could hurt them, in some cases with my help, I've discovered that undue influence has been put on these clients.
Of course when that happens the trustees are called as well as the police and things are straightened out very quickly.
My position is to determine if such influence is being exerted upon them, since many of the clients know me, they are more willing to confide in me than in the younger staff, so when the staffer feel there is something wrong and the clients refuse to listen, they turn it over to me, and what I do is have coffee or tea for them as well as water, some little bisquets which I say always helps to keep the blood sugar up and I simply chat with them.
I take my time, my little office that I was previously renting for my own use, has at my late husband's firm cost, been made into a sort of living room, with a view, but no drapes, but comfortable chairs, criss-cross pricilla curtains, watercolors of landscapes, soft classical music, even an electric fireplace with an old fashion mantel clock. The client forgets they're in an office but have the illusion of being in one's home.
I act as hostess, and we'll chat about family and things and then it comes out. And almost always someone is influencing them, or in some cases showing signs of a small stroke which impieds clear decision making, now I let the client know that in order to take notes and be clear about their intensions I need to record the conversation and they always agree. The entire conversation is transribed and the trustees are notified before anything is signed, I make delays to allow action to happen, and the trustees take steps to secure the clients finances.
So far its been 3 cases of fraud, and several cases of illness, I do follow ups on the clients to see that they are well and they have been greatful that I have been able to help them, the ones who were ill were not aware they had strokes or low blood pressure that affected their thinking.
So I have been busy and I feel so useful, even my Diva Darling has helped, sometimes I bring her with me espeically if I know the client loves pets, Princess seems to have a soothing effect on them.
I only receive an honoraium, and the cost of the food, and I still can use the office for my personal investing, the computer is hidden in an Armouir, I even have a book shelf that looks Victorian with old books of familar authors, Dickens, Christie, Mark Twain, nothing that is distressing.
This is where having a living revokeable trust comes in handy my Darlings, espeically if you are up there in age. Any changes you want to make will cost money, but because of that it forces you to think and slow down. There have been too many cases where the elderly have been bilked out of their savings by either hired caregivers or alleged friends who are not, or unscrupulous relatives. If need be create it as a trust, with trustees to help prevent you from being left penniless.
And now Darlings, Juanita and I are going shopping, the pantry is bare, her son-in-law Manuel is working on the garden and her daughter is cleaning the house, while the baby is playing, but I think we'll take Princess with us to prevent any accidents. And we'll have a nice sit-down dinner and chat, so much to catch up on and it is a sort of day and evening to just relax.
Until Annon Kisses Darlings
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Well General Maintanance done (I think)~~
I must admit I wish I was more computer savvy to properly set up a Template, but I have to use what Blogspot offers.
In looking over the offerings, I decided to go with RED!! Yes My Diva Darlings---Diva Red. I wanted a background that was dynamic, forcefull, because you Dear Diva's can be dynamic and forceful, by sheer will and determination.
So not to worry Yes you have found La Diva Loca---Living the Diva Life.
We are now heading into Fall, or what I call the "Jock" period, this is espeically true if your boyfriend, lover or boy toy is too much into sports and is neglecting you. That is one thing that I had decided upon early in life, if the young man I'm dating is responding to his testosterone too much, and puts you on hold so he can either go to a game or watch a game with his "jock" friends, then he is not the man for you.
A real man balances his life, yes he has to work, yes he has to help his parents, yes he does have to have the car (that he drives you in) maintained, and if he has a dog he does have to excerise the little poochie, I know I excerise mine Diva Princess.
So if he shows he can balance his life and you very well, then it should not be a problem, I was able to do it with my late husband, and now with the men in my life, one of them has a love of vintage cars, he buys a near basket case and slowly lovingly fixes it up. I have told him that I do not mind putting on jeans and tennis shoes and wear heavy gloves (must maintain the manacure Darlings) if we go to a wrecking yard....BUT... I want a very good dinner at a very nice place later, so sometimes its compromise, and it can work out well if he takes you for a spin in his beautifully restored vintage car and you can dress even period style like the Diva you are.
So Darlings, pick and choose carefully the man you want, make sure he will cater to your needs as well and blances things too, but be prepared to share him a little with parents, work, dog, but if you do it right then he will bring you Roses and Godiva chocolates (or at least See's candies) and occasionally a little expensive Bling.
Now I must go, I'm having an dinner out with one of my gentlemen friends we are going to Napa for the unveiling of a new 9/11 memorial followed by dinner and drinks afterwards, and we want to leave early.
I had seen a preview of the Memorial last night on the news and I would love to see it in person as well.
We shall never forget.
Later my Darlings
Until Anon, Kisses
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Doing a little maintenance~~~
Sometimes it pays to check on one's blog from time to time. It seems I lost a photo so I've substituted one in to hold a place. When I have time I'll come back and properly update the image, although Ava Gardner was a lovely woman.
Must go.
Till Anon, Kisses Darlings
Monday, September 9, 2013
How do I invest~~~~
I know, I know---where Have I been? Well I won’t bore you with details; except that I’ve been spending time with my family and a few dear close friends, traveling here and there with them and taking care of some medical and dental needs as well, as one gets older, things take a bit more maintenance. Not to worry I’m doing fine, just a little older, a little slower but no less a Diva.
I can also assure you that my little diva darling Princess is doing very well and has been traveling with me, Juanita and her family are also doing well, while I’m gone she is free to come and go as she pleases, and she has been making arrangements to have an eye kept on my home.
I have been asked by some of you darling Diva’s, how do I financially live? Well I’m not the “grasshopper” that fiddles away the bounty of spring, summer and fall, I do put away for the winter, and yet I’m not overly working like the ant, but working enough to maintain a life style that is comfortable for me.
Yes Darlings, the operative work is “comfortable”. Depending upon where you live, an income of $150,000 can seem like a fortune, but only if you live in Tennessee or other mid-states, if you live in California or New York especially in the Big City or San Francisco or Los Angeles you are barely middle-class.
I’m not saying I earn that much, as a matter of fact I’m not saying to you how much I earn, but I do live very comfortably. You see it is all a matter of perspective. I’m not a billionaire, no, with that comes headaches. But I’m not on food stamps either. Although I can understand the difficulties of those in which circumstances requires them for government assistance.
I was fortunate, my parents were very savvy people, Dad worked hard, worked his way though college, was smart enough to make very good contacts with people (now a days it’s called networking), lived within his means, saved, did his best to stay out of debt and (here’s where its important) conservatively invested.
Mother too came from a hard working family, went to business school, listened, lived within her means, saved her money, but as I said she listened very carefully and like Dad investigated before investing.
Dad was a lawyer, he handled mostly business contracts and mergers etc, he met Mother and she worked for him, but they had a partnership much like “Perry Mason and Della Street”, they worked as a team. They first became good friends and then discovered they loved each other and married, Mother continued to work for Dad after they married until the first of 3 children came along, but even then she would work in the office part time, making arrangements with Grandma to watch us and then she’d come home prepare dinner and then took over checking our homework and putting us to bed. When we were old enough to go to school, she’d send us off, go to the office and then at 2:30 leave to pick us up.
We children were loved, I’m not saying it was a perfect “Father Knows Best” situation but even we as children were included in any decision making, we were not sheltered, our parents were honest with us.
So how does that describe how I live financially? First it was by example from our parents, I say “Our” because I have two brothers, one older and one 18 months younger, My brothers shared a bedroom and I had my own, Our parents bought a house which was easy to expand if needed and it did go to eventually 4 bedrooms as Grandma (Mom’s mother) moved in with us after Grandpa died.
I and my brothers were immersed though Dad and Mom’s instructions on investing and financial business, Dad would talk frankly to us about business dealings that had developed, in some cases were developing, sometimes he’d put us to work to find things in the investment papers or at the Library going through the out of town newspapers.
Dad told us about the Rothschild’s and Hetty Green (the witch of Wall Street), Andrew Carnegie and other successful business people, although for a woman to be successful was rare and looked at with suspicion, especially in an environment in which women were looked upon as property and not having any business sense. Luckily my parents and Grandparents were not of that mind-set.
In my previous postings I talk about how to learn to be frugal with the “Make do, use it up…etc” routine, and also to not live beyond your income, please go back to those postings as a refresher course.
Dad also told us that even in the Bible (we were and are Catholic) it talks about money, one needs to read both the old and new testament. No I’m not talking about the Biblical Money Code that Sean Hyman speaks of---its there really for anyone to read and learn from, Hyman just uses the biblical teachings to get some real foundations across to us.
Something that was already taught to me and my brothers by our parents.
First off, one has to avoid the “Love of Money” and realize it is simply a means of exchange to buy goods and services, but don’t waste it or horde it, make use of it to make money, but do not squander it either, if you have 2 dollars, save $1, then divide the remaining dollar in half, 50 cents to pay for your daily needs, the other 50 cents to invest in or with.
I call it my thirds rule. With the dollar saved divide that in half, 50 cents into a regular savings account, the other 50 cents into a long term retirement account, by having a regular savings account you’ll build up money for those sudden expenses, like a roofing problem, or car repairs etc. this way you will avoid going into debt by using a credit card, unless it is something very extensive. This is where a Budget rule is important.
O.K. Darlings so from an early age, my Dad played a game with my brothers and I, using pretend money, such as worn out or incomplete card decks, Aces were $1, 5’s =5, 10= 10, Jacks were 20, Queens 50 and Kings 100 dollars. On used envelopes Dad would write down the stocks we’d choose listing the number of shares we’d buy at the amount that the stock was going for per share.
Now as part of our “Homework” we had to investigate the solid foundation of a business whose stock was listed, then we’d watch to see how it would do, if the price per share was low we’d buy, then we’d have to see what it was going to do, and make a decision on it. Also we’d have to watch to see how much in dividends did the stock pay out, those dividends were written on the remaining cards, at the end of a certain period of time, usually 6 months, Dad would note how we were doing. Come January 1st Dad would announce who did the best and would get an increase in their allowance based upon results, those who didn’t do so well, well if they did do fairly well, would get an increase but only slightly, if our stock choices failed, our allowance did not get an increase.
You certainly can see the incentive here.
Hetty Green’s motto was “Buy cheap and sell dear” meaning buy low but sell high, the Rothschild’s based their investments on information gathered, that is how the head of the Rothschild family worked, during the campaign between Wellington and Napoleon, many investors had heard, (incorrectly) that Wellington was losing, but Rothschild had one of his sons near the battlefield and set up a system of immediate information relays, using carrier pigeons and light systems to send signals to him what was exactly happening, so when people were selling in a panic he was buying, and eventually when the real news hit the London exchange, Rothschild was in a position to make a tremendous profit.
Hetty Green was the same, this was told to me by my Grandfather whose brother worked at a bank that Hetty held her “office” in, through various contacts among the working class and clerks Hetty could gauge the worth of a company and therefore its stock value, even if the stock appeared to be going down, Hetty would know of things in the works that would bring a profit to the company, so when the stock price was at its lowest Hetty would buy and then when the company turned a profit and its stock value went up, Hetty would hold and hold until she felt it had reached its possible peak and then sell it at a profit. Grand Dad said that the clerks at the bank were very protective of Hetty, why? She would make small loans to them at a very low interest, and even would extend their time to pay it back, something that is very rarely mentioned in any biographies about her.
Hetty was cheap, rotating between just two suits of clothing, living in the most inexpensive rooming houses, buying the cheapest cuts of meat, walking everywhere, even avoiding doctors to treat her son’s injured leg, which he never condemned her for.
To her Money was a weapon to be hoarded, not squandered, she in a way took it to the extreme, but even the Rothschild’s did not live extravagantly.
So let’s look at investing----
Rule one----never invest more than what you can afford to lose
Rule two---never invest all your money into one stock, diversify
Rule three---do your homework, make sure that the company whose stock you’re interested in has a solid foundation to be able to ride out a lot of economic storms.
On Rule three this includes, how well is the business run? Is their management team solid and looking at the future, without over expansion? Is their sales pipeline large and are sales increasing, are their customers happy? Does it have a big market capitalization with plenty of liquidity in stock volume? AND This is the Most Important…is the company worth the stock price you are going to pay.
Remember Darlings buy cheap but don’t buy a cheap company.
Everyone remembers that stocks slide up and down on a roller coaster, so even with doing your homework if there is a stock pull back right after it takes a position that does not mean it’s a bad investment. This is where you have to be like Rothschild so that when it appears that a stock loses value this is where you need to review in your mind why you bought it and hold on. Do not allow Greed or a quick turn over or even fear cause you to panic
And don't buy a stock because a friend, or relative says its a good thing or the latest thing, it could be a disaster if you do not do your homework. Solendra was one of them. Fortunately I did not buy into that.
The best way to see how a stock performs is to look back on its track record for the last two possibly three years. For example if a company shows what I have just explained to you as still being solid it is solid.
John Deer Tractors, everyone needs that from the homeowner to the Farmer.
So with Rule Three you are doing a fundamental analysis of an investment
Rule Four---determine when to buy --- this is done after you have completed Rule three. So you turn to a technical indicator called the relative strength index, this will tell you when a stock is being oversold or overbought, on a scale of 100 if its under 30 the stock is getting cheap because people are selling but when it starts going over 80 on the RSI scale then its getting pricey---why? Too many buyers are buying it
Warren Buffett has used these two principals to see how a stock is going to do, it is what caused him to stay away from those start up companies that had no foundation, even I stayed away from Facebook stock when it opened and then it started going down and down, but just to be a little cagey I bought some shares when it looked like it was going to go for a $1 a share, then slowly it began to show its true worth.
So when you see a stock going down on a company, a company that you know has a strong foundation based upon the questions I outlined for you don’t be afraid.
Although I have to admit I did “Take a Flyer” on Facebook.
Because this is where you grab your courage and work outside that box, and that may mean buying companies that people don’t like, when you see massive selling hitting a stock on a company that is solid, that is when to look for the bargain. Don’t allow Greed or the Love of Money or your fear of losing blind you to an opportunity.
This is where you look for large volume spikes and then shows steep declines. Apple is a good example, Steve Jobs dies, Apple stocks went down, panic selling, but now a time to buy at a lesser price, because if Apple is any good it will steady out even without Steve Jobs, because you are looking at the true value of the stock and the foundation of the company.
So Rule Five---Ride out the Roller Coaster, it may take weeks or months but you are in for “The Long Haul”
And that is what my Dad taught us, “Don’t buy for profit, buy for the long haul, for a generally steady income to serve you into your old age and beyond” SERVE YOU; in short have your money make money.
With my Facebook stock once I did my initial purchasing I use the dividends from that stock to buy more stock, the same with Apple. Eventually I will have those dividends be paid directly to me, like my other stocks.
And this is where we come to RULE SIX:
Even though I have a very, very good income, I determine how much I will need to live on per month, for that I have 2 checking accounts with separate debt cards, the first checking account will pay insurances, mortgage, utilities, medical/dental. I pay those bills immediately, I do not procrastinate.
The second account is to pay for Food and sundries, including if I want to treat myself and some friends to lunch.
Then I set quite a bit of it aside, for that I have 4 savings accounts, one for emergency repairs, one for fun things like a vacation, one for any increase in living costs so that I’ll have a chance to re-do my budget and one to purchase things as needed such as birthday gifts or replace something in the house etc.
I know that having that many accounts can be a bit mind bending, but I keep cash books on each, and each book clearly labeled, being able to call in to the bank and listening to the auto response is very helpful as well as logging in each evening any purchases.
For that you HAVE to be DISIPLINED.
I know people who have to have a new car every 4 to 5 years, once its paid off they buy a new one and are back into debt, I had my Caddy for nearly 20 years and was only beginning to consider buying a new car if it appeared that it would not pass smog or I had to have it worked on long and hard to pass smog, but that was taken out of my hands when some teenagers stole it for a joy ride and wrapped it around a pole.
My current car I will keep until it is not repairable anymore. Don’t over charge on credit cards, use coupons, watch for deals, on a number of things you can buy at either Target or Wal-Mart, on other things buy quality because you want it to last a long, long time.
Don’t buy a MacMasion when something smaller will do.
I have only 3 credit cards, one of them is a gasoline card, the other two are bank credit cards, one is for any auto repairs or if I’m traveling, the other when I want to purchase clothing or items for myself. On all three I watch my balance very carefully, and pay them down immediately, usually within 3 to 4 months. This is where the savings accounts come in handy.
Really one doesn’t need more than 3 cards plus your debt card(s). One handy device is being able to pay over the phone, I have a small date book that lists when a bill will be due and with the phone numbers of those cards and if I’m traveling I can call the credit companies and pay over the phone without a fee.
Some people prefer auto pay; I do that for the Utilities and the home mortgage.
To be able to balance all of this I look into what I Need to buy or pay, this includes property taxes, medical/dental insurance, auto and home insurance, utilities, home mortgage, Food, medicine. These are NEEDS.
Everything else is WANTS, well I need a good pair of walking shoes, I have them and I have them re-heeled and re-soled and will do it until they are worn out, one does not need 20 coats, a good winter coat, a good raincoat, a light suit jacket, and a lovely shawl, plus a few sweaters, until they wear out.
I don’t drive my car everywhere, I’ll use public transportation, and it works just as well, so it saves on wear and tear on the car, if you have to do a lot of errands then plan on the best use of your gas.
My clothing is classic, so is my jewelry, I go to the Library for recreational reading and magazines, even DVD’s and music, there are some things I do buy but that is because I consider them hobbies. Remember the simple things are always best.
But again always save, determine needs vs. wants, and look for the best deals from food to travel, avoid the credit card use this is where cash money is important by using your credit card you are falling into temptation on buying a “want” and therefore living beyond your means, and don’t be extravagant when there is no need. Network with people who can help you achieve your goals and be genuine.
And remember there is Good Credit and there is Bad Credit, Good Credit or debt is paying on a house, Bad Credit (really debit) is having 20 charge cards at rates 15% to 29%, they do not give you any return, whereas paying on a house is a tax write off.
Now my Diva Darlings review what I have posted before, be sure to have a Good CPA who Really knows the Tax Code, keep receipts, keep records, and keep a good accounting of everything. It pays in the end my Darlings
And remember----YOU ARE THE CEO OF YOUR OWN COMPANY—it is called your Life.
And here is where we come to Rule Seven:
Remember those who are less fortunate.
This means donating to charities to help the needy, like Salvation Army, your Local Food Bank, charity walk for Cancer, your local Animal Shelter or Nature preserve (yes we need to remember those who cannot speak for themselves), I donate to "Cover your Cop" this is to buy bullet proof vests for Police Dogs as well as other charities. You can even do it in memory of a loved one or a friend.
So just as the money flows in, be sure to have some of it flow out for a good and worthy cause.
Until Anon, Kisses Darlings
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Dig more than for a "gold mine"
I have been enjoying the mild weather here at home. Juanita is visiting her family and will be home tomorrow, her latest grandbaby is growing so fast, but this weekend is a big family birthday party for several grandchildren and as always its a Fiesta for them and I want Juanita to see her family a lot.
Princess my little Diva Darling and I have been enjoying our walks, I try to do two a day now, although the little thing gets so tired on the last leg of our walk but its good excerise, I even go once or twice a week to a health club to use their indoor pool, so relaxing.
My "ladies who Lunch" had a nice brunch this morning at one of our local resteraunts, with a lovely view of the Bay, but we were talking about the flucutations in the economy. The horrible bidding wars on homes, many said its a sellers market again and once again people could be paying more for homes than what they can afford, but maybe the public will be a little wiser.
Lauren one of my ladies asked me if I had any old mining stocks, I said that I had some that I've been keeping tabs on because although the out put is low, the income is steady although not large, she asked if I had some in one particular company and I said yes, so she said just a few words to me "Rare Earth Elements", I have to say my eyebrows went to my hair line.
She advised me to read a news story in Yahoo about how the Government is looking into rare earth elements in old mine tailings here in the U.S. to help us get free of China's stranglehold. And I advise you my Darling Diva's to do the same.
I'm not saying buy mining stocks but keep an eye out for such things, because when in 2009 China was only charging $15 dollars a ton for one particular element and then it leaped in 2011 to $500 a ton, then its time to get out from that yoke and be free. This will be a slow growth situation and be very careful, watch out for "fly-by-night" swindler's. My stocks are fine and I'm going to double check them very soon.
But it seems that there is a lot more than gold in "them thar hills".
Kisses Darlings
Friday, July 19, 2013
Of things being a little out of sequence
Sometimes it doesn't pay to look over what was postings but got accidently saved as drafts, and they got published.
Please remember if you read them they are from 2008 and 2010, not 2013.
Although my friend Michelle has asked me to go with her to Lake Tahoe in August, a trip I am looking forward to. So she will take the train up from L.A. and then taking the train to Reno staying the night there and then a chauffered limo from Reno to Lake Tahoe, courtsey of a friend of hers.
All I can say Darlings it is not only what you know but also who you know.
By the way I was asked how old is Juaunita, well she married young, and is about 57 to my 66, but even I worry about her health. Her daughter Constance is now working part time because she wants to care for her youngest daughter but Constance and her husband Manuel have also helped me out.
But I fear for the day when Juanita may not be able to help me with the house, but she said to not worry about that, even she is a planner.
Must go my Darlings,
Early Christmas Shopping
Cold Noses and Cold Toes~~~~
More Budget Ideas....
I am happy to say that I am making excellent although slow progress, last Sunday I was able to take my little Darling Diva Princess for a walk, granted it was only two blocks, but it was a start.
I am hoping that the weather will warm up mildly; I’ve had just enough of the chill and the wind for one winter.
The other evening I had a wonderful telephone conversation with my Brother Tom, he has invited me and Princess to join him and his wife up to his cabin in the mountains for a few weeks, the grand children will be up as soon as school lets out, they spend a few weeks up there, then off to see a fantastic place like Zion National Park, or historic places, then they come back and spend August with the grand parents. But part of their arrangement as encouraged by their parents is to write a two page essay about each of the places they saw and how it historically created our society. I was very surprised to hear what their parents are doing but they told me it was to help expand their education and awareness---of course they will go to Disneyland, that is their treat for keeping their grades up, poor grades no Disneyland. I think it’s a fair deal.
But even I have found it to be so restful out under the stars, which is why my niece and nephew love to go camping with their children and have them see historic places as well. Good education they say, and I have to agree.
But interesting enough my brother and his wife are going up and staying there for a while because of some legal business, not that he is having trouble but he’s decided to make sure the Homestead on his property is up to date and he is having the land re surveyed to make sure the property lines are still correct.
Then he informed me that he was going in to buy the timber, mineral and water rights as well as any other rights to his land where the family cabin is located plus making sure that the right of way is correct. He told me that the rights were still available, but many people do not realize that when they buy property they forget all these other property rights and the homestead option to protect their holdings.
Especially if you are buying land in the country, by having the homestead and all these rights, no one can get the land out from under you, if nothing else they will be forced by law to pay fair market value, and they will have to pay you for the rights or to lease the rights from you. I don’t know all the ins and outs of this but to you my Dear Diva’s and Diva’s in training one other person to add to your people to assist you is a real estate lawyer or property lawyer.
Never assume that your property is going to be safe, not with the government trying to condemn the land right out from under you and then giving them over to private developers.
Always Darlings protect what is yours, never surrender it without a good fight and then make sure they pay dearly for it.
Hetty Greene, whom some people referred to as “the witch of Wall Street” was a very sharp investor, her policy was buy cheap and sell dear, invest in something that there will be a demand for. The thing of it is, what is it that they will want, that is the trick.
Personally I’ve been looking at food products and products that people will always need, a child will always love to eat Mac and Cheese, so who makes a good product that sells well? Then find out who owns it, and then find out who is the ‘parent company’, that would be the best one to invest in for the long term. Other products as well such as toilet paper, Supermarkets, commodities. But go in for the long run, the sustainable run, not a quick profit.
Gold besides being used for jewelry is used in electronics, dentistry, and other applications, that will always go up. But I also invest in Silver as well.
And how are all you Diva Darlings doing?
I hope you are all doing well. Especially with all the sticker shock that is going around.
My “Business Ladies Who Lunch” and I had a gathering this last week and had been talking about the economy.
We do agree that part of the problem is the cap on oil production with demand increasing especially in China and India. As well as the useless and dangerous concept of using Corn for a Bio-Diesel fuel.
As one of my Ladies said “We can’t all convert to Bio-diesel or buy a Hybrid or Electric Car. Our current budgets simply don’t allow such purchases and there are places we want to go where such resources of that type of fuel, or plug in’s are not available. So we are stuck with gasoline/oil.”
Another said that the use of Corn, a staple of most food products, is financially dangerous, “We should look into other products such as sugar cane, or a form of sedge grass that seems to work well, even soy---something that grows fast, is quickly renewable and is not the foundation of the food economy, even reusing cooking oil from our homes or restaurants, didn’t they do something like that during World War II (yes they did as an oil/glycerin substitute). Looking into what Brazil is doing is important.”
I have to agree but for many people who have cars that run on gasoline, if they do not have a vehicle that runs on diesel such a conversion is not possible, the only thing is to hope for that more people will buy diesel engines, run on bio-diesel and in turn lower the cost of gasoline because the demand will be less.
And currently the investment return on Hybrids would be a long time in coming.
Another of my ladies said that Bamboo is an excellent wood crop for floors, plywood, furniture, and even paper products, etc., it’s fast growing, strong, and quickly renewable
“Cissy” mentioned that she re-discovered her LP collection when she was given as a gift a combination record-player with Radio, CD player and Tape player recorder. She loves it because it looks so old-fashioned.
She began to look over her unused Long Play 33 1/3 speed vinyl records, especially the classics, so carefully cleaning her records she began to play them and tape some of her favorites so she could play them over and over again without wearing out the records, and she tapes some of her favorite songs off the radio. Granted she has to put up with a brief bit of commercials but it’s worth it and again a saving instead of buying the entire CD she gets the music she wants---“later on” she said “I’ll buy the best of ‘so and so’ but I’ll save up my cans and plastic for that.”
Other suggestions were ~~~~
Plans your meals in advance, see what you already have in your pantry and then only shop with a grocery list; avoid impulse buying at the Supermarket or anywhere. Make a check list of your pantry so you’ll know what you have and what you’ve run out of, and only buy store brands if possible and be sure to use coupons.
If you simply have the urge to shop then go to Garage or Yard Sales, but also go with a list, only get what you need. Another suggested Holding a Yard sale at least twice a year, “cleans out the closet and you make money, then what is left over I list and donate and get a tax write off.”
The concept of cans and plastic for money was also brought up---Crush them (cans) so you can store more, but be sure to spray for ants and such, they get attracted to the sugar.
One of the ladies said that she was sure if she saved the money from turning in the cans and plastic she could save up for a nice vacation.
Another said that when she bicycles she carries several bags with her to collect the cans she finds (wear gloves as well). She also is fairly close to her grocery store, so she bicycles there, she found a place that sells second hand sports items and she found what she calls a tag-a-long, mostly people put their kids into them, but she found that it works well to carry her groceries, especially that she uses the recyclable cloth bags from the store. It works very well but put a flag on it so people in cars can see it since it rides low and follow all the vehicle laws, don’t just blast through a stop sign and stay to the far right of the road.
She saw someone who didn’t follow the rules, run a stop sign and got hit by a car, she told the police that the bicyclist was in the wrong, which ticked the bicyclist off, but as she said---he broke the law.
Several of the ladies said that the idea of Ipods and other portable electronic equipment are “…just useless” with the exception of the cell phone, “… there are times when you have to be in touch with the office and your clients…or if the car breaks down….emergencies…..if you can write if off as a business expense that would be good, check with your tax person…it’s stupid to use that at your main means of communication with friends to just ‘chat’ that’s what e-mail and land line phones are for…..I still need my lap top for my job but to write that off in taxes would be good.”….this was all the round-robin talk on electronics.
But one of the ladies mentioned a news article that appeared in the May 25, 2008 issue of the Los Angeles Times that said that the old services that most people had abandoned are coming back, railroads, Steel Companies, mining concerns, and agriculture, what is old is now new again.
All the tech. industry has offered things that occupy our minds and entertain us but it seems that in the long run people are now running back to that which you can hold, whether its cotton, cooking oil, or metals like copper or steel or fertilizer for food crops. In comparing U.S. Steel to Microsoft, Microsoft has flat-lined while Steel has shot up 1,000% in recent years.
Now I had told the ladies several years ago just after the dot coms had deflated that in time the old-fashioned tried and true will become the new wave of the future, I had been saying one needs to look to what is China demanding, what China demands is the wave of investments of the future.
I kept my U.S. Steel stock because it was given to me by my grandfather and I held it out of sentiment and just allowed it to grow and do what it does, granted it’s fortunes have been up and down and when it was down is when I bought more stock, and just let the funds come in.
Yes there are towns in the mid-west that are dying, but they can be re-vitalized with the new demands in solid tangibles, mad cow disease be damned. Although it could be at the expense of the coastal areas, unless one invests in shipping or Ports, the U.S. can increase its export potential.
The only problem is that job growth in these sectors is slow and in some areas jobs have been lost. The ladies believe that it’s because of improved ways of farming that use less labor.
But it’s much more---If any of you can, do read this article from the May 25, 2008 Los Angeles Times it is written by Peter G. Gosselin, and he’s right---one just needs to look at the raw materials demands of China, India and Brazil which the U.S. is rich in.
That may be the wave of the future and a possible bull market for 20 to 40 years, even if the U.S. dollar maybe slow to bounce back.
In the meantime, the ladies and I are still looking for ways to budget and cut back, another thought is overextended consumerism.
One of the ladies is going to try for a year to only buy food, medicine, hygiene products, just pay bills, insurances, purchase only what is needed for the upkeep of her car, and see about getting for free her magazines, books, DVD’s and CD’s at the Library and avoid buying clothes. Of course she does need to maintain her hair cut, and she will get her shoes re-heeled and such. But she’s going to try to put some of our suggestions into action and see what happens.
As a matter of fact all of us are going to try to do the same, it will be interesting to see how much we can save.
But in the meantime I’ll also be packing and selecting my clothes for my little vacation, it will be nice to be out under the stars and enjoying peace and quiet.
Until Annon Darlings, Kisses.
How do I do investments~~~~
Yes, yes, its been a long time and once again all I can say is that life has interrupted my posting.
I've been ill, a minor chest problem but it has finally cleared up, as one gets older things like chest congestions, heart, blood pressure and other ailements of old age can be problematic.
But the mind is still sharp.
If any of you have been following my previous posts then you will know what to do for your own life.
Now I've had some of you ask me how do I manage my own investsments, well I've laid that out as well but it does pay to research. But for many of you that have full time jobs that can be a bit hard espeically if you also want a Diva social life.
Having a social life is important but who you socialize with is also important, over the years I've been in contact (now a days it's called networking) and socializing with people who are pretty much on the ground floor of finance, investing etc. as well as industry, and with careful flattery and listening between the lines, yes Darlings I said listening, you can get an idea of the trends of the world and avoid making serious financial pitfalls.
So it pays to know people who can benefit you. Yes Darlings I know that sounds shallow but really you do have to remember it is a "dog eat dog" world.
Now that is not to say to not do things that benefit those that need help, you should do that, like Food Banks, and St. Jude Hospital, and charities that help the community at large. To give away money foolishly will bankrupt you, to hoard it will also bankrupt you, but to be balanced about it will benefit you.
But getting back at research. If you are working and many of you are, it pays to be with an investment research firm, and one of the best that I am associated with is Stansberry and Associates Investment Research.
With their suggestions I was able to avoid the worse of the 2008 crisis and the wild up and down ride following, my investsments remained very steady, and although they did take a bit of a dip, it didn't hurt me and with their suggestions and also with input from my own research my choices were very carefully made.
Now even those choices, my income did take a little dip, it just meant that I could only put away less in my savings, in my investment fund, but I still had enough to cover my living expenses and could cut back on unnecessary expenditures and I am always careful in watching my spending, by determining "a need" against "a want".
For example I need to fix the dish washer against wanting to buy a new mink coat. See what I mean?
Its one thing to spend wisely, another to spend foolishly. Why do you think that a lot of very wealthy people buy their bulk party items and food at CostCo? Or shop at Walmart or Target? Or clip grocery cupons? To save money Darlings, to save money and you should do the same.
And for many Diva's it does pay to work even if you are earning more in your investsments, the reasoning behind that is it helps keep you in contact with many people, and to be a part of the big financial world that is out there, all those contacts are important, you cannot be on an island apart from everyone.
That is why I still have my "Ladies who Lunch" group, we bring in more as well and it rotates, everyone one of them are involved in finance, banking, real estate and investments in some way, and it pays in mental dividends.
So if you decide to subscribe to a Investment Research company, check their track record.
Remember my Dear Diva's you only want the Best and The Best is what you desire.
Kisses Darlings
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Dealing with a Law Suit~~~~
I know, I know, where HAVE I been, you ask.
Well Darlings I've been tied up dealing with a law suit, no, no one is suing me, I am suing someone.
Just after Easter, I look a short 5 day vacation to visit a friend of mine, Juanita was going to stay with her daughter for a few days, to help with the family, the baby had come down with the flu and was miserable so it was best for Juanita to be there.
I was having a delightful visit but on the fourth day Juanita called me and asked if I had given permission for my neighbor to rip out my plants and start building an extension on their home onto my property and I said no, she told me what was happening and was concerned because a fence that was there had been removed by my neighbor. I told Juanita to stand by and called my lawyer, who obtained a "cease and desist" order until the property lines could be cleared up.
Well it turned out to be a bunch of law suits over property lines, my neighbor had decided to sue me for stopping work on his property and my suing him by his damaging my property and building on my side (so very exhausting to even think about) but with the help of my friend Irma the sister of Iris, whom I bought the house from, photographs going back over years showing the fence as well as paying for a survey of the property line out of my pocket, it clearly showed that my neighbor was wrong, but then he got a survey showing that the fence was 12 inches over onto his property, but I had photos showing the original fence going back to when the houses were built by the original contractors, and I was able to show that my neighbor had come over 4 feet onto my property not his alleged 12 inches.
So the court ordered an independent survey which came out of both our pockets and that survey showed that my fence was right on the property line as a matter of fact when the fence was rebuilt it had given my neighbor 2 inches onto his property (2 inches??!!)
So in terms of property lines I won, and he had to remove what had been built so far, now I'm suing to have him pay for a new fence, the cost of new plantings, damage done to my side of the retaining wall to the lagoon as well as all lawyer and legal fees and survey costs from the previous and current court cases and I'm suing to keep any expansion of his home or any recreational items such as a hot tub or Jacuzzi, fire pits, bar-b-ques, storage/greenhouse/planting sheds/outside offices or any play courts, at least 4 feet away from the fence/property line for fire safety.
Needless to say he is not happy with me, but I don't care, I was in the right, I had the proof and I won the original suit. So now it is back to court for this portion of it and I have the Fire Marshall involved as well.
Sad to say this is not the original neighbor who was living in that house when I moved in, that person and his wife were very nice people with a lovely garden with roses and lovely plantings, but they got old and ill and thought it would be best to move into assisted living. The new owner ripped out the roses bushes and threw them out in front roots and all as well as the other plants.
It was a good thing it was winter time when they would be dormant so Juanita's son-in-law Manuel salvaged almost all of the plants, he knocked on the man's door and asked if he could have some of the plants that way the new owner would not have to pay to have the bulk of them removed, the man said "Go Ahead" and now Constance and Manuel have many beautiful roses blooming in their garden as well as a number of bulb plants and all for free plus a bit of hard work.
With the confirm correct survey of my property line I had a new fence installed, and I've put up lattice work next to it and planted climbing roses to trail up, the thorns should keep trouble makers out, and it would make for problems for anything that my neighbor might build. And the roses are so beautiful and attract the honey bees which we so desperately need. I have a neighbor who lives several doors down from me who keeps a hive of honey bees and another neighbor who lives several door over from my nasty neighbor is learning the hobby of keeping honey bees and is working in concert with the organization to preserve the honey bees from becoming extinct.
So with Manuel to help me I've been planting fragrant flowers and plants to attract the honey bees, including those climbing roses with the lovely scent, as well as night blooming jasmine, It won't bother me, I have an awning with a removable screen so I can sit outside day or night enjoy the beauty of the plants and their scent and not be bothered by nasty insects or busy bees.
Remember my Diva Darlings, always have proof to win your case, or your side of the argument, but never give into anger, just do things to make sure things are being done right and if you're wrong be the magnanimous person and apologize, but if you have your facts and proof you'll rarely apologize.
Then my Diva Darlings, plan a revenge that is sweet for you and annoying for them, plan carefully and enjoy.
For now I might not be posting alot after all I'm dealing with court dates and lawyers and depositions and gathering bills to present.
Summer is coming plan and enjoy.
Until Anon, Kisses Darlings.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Easter Wishes~~~
Well I still have my heart problems, and the Doctor is planning on testing me with some sort of devise to see how my heart action is over a 48 hour period, as I understand it, it will determine if the pace maker will be needed.
Right now I'm at my brother's house in San Francisco for the Easter celebration, the weather has been going from warm to cold, to warm and now possibly rain. But that is the Bay Area for you.
Much of the family will be joining us tomorrow and I'll be so happy to see them, I just hope I don't get too tired.
On the investment front, Obama talks about bringing business back to the US, but frankly is he strong enough to do it, is my question.
One of my great nephews has been accepted at the college in San Jose, he wanted to go there because they have an excellent course on electronic engineering, not electrical engineering but electronic, there is a difference.
Because if you think about my Dear Diva's, everything has electronics's involved from planes, to trains, to Automobiles, elevators and the automatic coffee maker. An acquaintance of my brother said that is an excellent field to get into as we do not have enough electronic engineers. So it is quiet possible that my great nephew will be making a nice salary.
And in terms of job or career opportunities that is where a very smart Diva in advance looks into what is the most needed that has the least number qualified, that can be a growth market. And then the minute you start making a salary, start saving for retirement immediately, don't wait and say "Oh I want that fancy car"...the car will only last 10 years at the most, but retirement funds is a difference between living very well and living at poverty level. Frankly I prefer living very well, even if it does mean I have to have a pacemaker.
But now I must go my brother is going to treat us to a little outing.
Have a very Happy Easter My Dear Diva's!
Until Anon. Kisses.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Updates on investing and my life~~~~
I have not been posting of late do to medical problems, well to put it bluntly I've developed Congestive Heart Failure, I'm on pills and medications and there is the possibility that I will have to have a pacemaker implanted.
Everything is an effort right now, doing something as simple as reading is tiring.
Fortunately my home is set up so if I become invalided I can still move around and be some what independent, right now if I want to go shopping I have to be in a wheel chair. How frustrating!
Fortunately my family and friends including my dear Juanita have been taking good care of me. So I've managed to keep up with things.
On investing----I've gone conservative on my investments of late (before heart problems) and have been looking into Utilities instead of high flying things, when one reaches the senior years going for conservative will bring in the steady income.
I still do my "Mac and Cheese" investing as well on food stuffs and baby items, who would have thought "Pampers" would be such a good idea...I did.
There is talk that Colorado may follow the way of Utah in having gold and silver as the real commodity of exchange, there is a bill being looked at right now. Several States are already reconsidering re-jecting "fiat" money and going with a dollar that is backed by real gold, real silver.
I'm not saying that investing in gold and silver is the way to go, although silver is a good investment, but gold is very high right now. But this is a trend that is building ground.
But my Diva's don't sell your gold jewelry or anything like that, and never get anything less that 14 kt, if it's 10 kt that's costume jewelry in my book and look for the bargains you'll find it. Check my earlier posts on jewelry investing.
Now I must go, I tire to easily right now my Darlings, remember always take good care of your health.
Until Anon, Kisses
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Happy 2013 My Diva Darlings!!!!
Hello my Diva Darlings!!
I know. Where Have I been!!!
Well I've been right here in my home and with my family and friends and so very busy.
Princess my little 4 legged diva darling is also doing well but she was not happy when Mommy took her to the vet for a teeth cleaning, no not happy at all.
I know it's been months since I last posted frankly my Darlings in terms of business and investments I've given you the guide lines, so check back on my previous posts, and continue to subscribe to those finacial magazines I've suggested and read Barron's if you library carries it for more ideas.
Recently I heard that several research companies are looking into a 100 year old process to get usable fuel espeically for desiel fuel. They are looking into a fermention process from used sugars such as sugar beets, cane and other products, the process is feasible, so feasilbe that the oil companies may use it and put the oil producing countries ( and we know who they are) into a head lock. And its all renewable resources.
Now how good it is for planes I'm not sure, but for trucks, trains etc most definitely. So I am going to be watching for that.
Now about the tax thing, I and my tax preparer are waiting to see what "shakes down", what I have been doing it tying up my income into a trust with an income for investments, but I also donate a good deal to charities that I believe in.
In this case my Diva Darlings, talk with your CPA and your fiancial tax consultant and see what you can live on and what you can write off. Some people have been buying rental properties and plowing most of the income into upgrades and repairs, taking a write off that way, until it comes time to sell it then it's the capital gains, unless they plow it into another property. I know Darlings so confusing but talk it over with an expert, it's like going to school but dealing with Math.
O.K. My Dears this month is the time to gather all your tax papers and get them ready, I recommend making a tax appointment sometime in Feberuary, do not wait any later, you will have all your tax income reports by Jan 31, so its perfectly alright to make an appointment in February. The beauty about this is that you can have the "cushion of time" to make any changes before your taxes are submitted.
Now I do have to warn you my Darlings, it seems that there are some tax preparers that were working for H and R. Block and one other tax preparing franchise that have been doing idenity theft, this of course is giving an excellent company a very difficult reputation. So until those franchiese can correct this loop hole I recommend going to a licenced, bonded CPA tax preparer since their records are not open to anyone.
I have an excellent person doing mine but I recommend that you periodically check your credit and credit cards and bank usage to prevent any problems, using your check card aka debt card can be a problem and leaves you open for theft as well, so if you are doing business with a company that you are not familar with use a credit card, you have a better fighting chance of recovery than if you use a debt card.
This is also the time to shred old bills, I keep my utlitiy bills and credit card statements for 10 years so anything that was 2002 should be shredded, even receipts unless you need it for insurance purposes, such as a large ticket item. Auto repair receipts and maintance forms should be kept for the life time of the car or until you sell it or turn it in.
Check my previous postings on what to keep and what to get rid of for indepth reference.
This is also a good time to buy cards for the year, birthday, condolence, baby wishes, anniversery etc. and keep those in a speical card file.
Update your address book (hard copy), and have maintance done on your computer do a good "clean sweep" of it.
Yes my Diva Darlings January is not the time for fun and games this is a time for sorting and cleaning and clearing up and updating.
Unless you happen to have a 3 day weekend for Martin Luther King Jr.---then that I would have as a SPA weekend---yes, pamper yourself from the chill and the cold, unless you are planning to use that weekend for a major clean up.
And now my Diva Darlings, this Diva is going to go and have lunch with a dear friend of hers and do some stationary and stamp buying, yes I still send things by snail mail.
Until Anon. Kisses Darlings
